29 research outputs found

    Performance Comparison of VPN Solutions

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    Virtual Private Networks (VPN) is the state-of-the-art method to build secure connections between remote hosts over public networks. In times of high-speed connections to the internet, a need for personal information security and business cases, like cloud computing, high data throughput and a stable connection are increasingly important. Benchmarks of VPN solutions have been discussed in related work, but the data is quite old or uses other setups. Furthermore, we noticed that the benchmarks from the WireGuard whitepaper seem unrealistic, even if we take protocol overhead into account. In this work, we have decided to conduct VPN benchmarks ourselves. In the following paragraphs we describe our setup and look at three heavily used VPN solutions: OpenVPN, IPsec and WireGuard

    A Survey of Scheduling in Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)

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    TSN is an enhancement of Ethernet which provides various mechanisms for real-time communication. Time-triggered (TT) traffic represents periodic data streams with strict real-time requirements. Amongst others, TSN supports scheduled transmission of TT streams, i.e., the transmission of their packets by edge nodes is coordinated in such a way that none or very little queuing delay occurs in intermediate nodes. TSN supports multiple priority queues per egress port. The TAS uses so-called gates to explicitly allow and block these queues for transmission on a short periodic timescale. The TAS is utilized to protect scheduled traffic from other traffic to minimize its queuing delay. In this work, we consider scheduling in TSN which comprises the computation of periodic transmission instants at edge nodes and the periodic opening and closing of queue gates. In this paper, we first give a brief overview of TSN features and standards. We state the TSN scheduling problem and explain common extensions which also include optimization problems. We review scheduling and optimization methods that have been used in this context. Then, the contribution of currently available research work is surveyed. We extract and compile optimization objectives, solved problem instances, and evaluation results. Research domains are identified, and specific contributions are analyzed. Finally, we discuss potential research directions and open problems.Comment: 34 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables 110 reference

    Diagnostic and prognostic value of QRS duration and QTc interval in patients with suspected myocardial infarction

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    Background: While prolongation of QRS duration and QTc interval during acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has been reported in animals, limited data is available for these readily available electrocardiography (ECG) markers in humans. Methods: Diagnostic and prognostic value of QRS duration and QTc interval in patients with suspected AMI in a prospective diagnostic multicentre study were prospectively assessed. Digital 12-lead ECGs were recorded at presentation. QRS duration and QTc interval were automatically calculated in a blinded fashion. Final diagnosis was adjudicated by two independent cardiologists. The prognostic endpoint was all-cause mortality during 24 months of follow-up. Results: Among 4042 patients, AMI was the final diagnosis in 19% of patients. Median QRS duration and median QTc interval were significantly greater in patients with AMI compared to those with other final diagnoses (98 ms [IQR 88–108] vs. 94 ms [IQR 86–102] and 436 ms [IQR 414–462] vs. 425 ms [IQR 407–445], p < 0.001 for both comparisons). The diagnostic value of both ECG signatures however was only modest (AUC 0.56 and 0.60). Cumulative mortality rates after 2 years were 15.9% vs. 5.6% in patients with a QRS > 120 ms compared to a QRS duration ≤ 120 ms (p < 0.001), and 11.4% vs. 4.3% in patients with a QTc > 440 ms compared to a QRS duration ≤ 440 ms (p < 0.001). After adjustment for age and important ECG and clinical parameters, the QTc interval but not QRS duration remained an independent predictor of mortality. Conclusions: Prolongation of QRS duration > 120 ms and QTc interval > 440 ms predict mortality in patients with suspected AMI, but do not add diagnostic value

    From Toxins Targeting Ligand Gated Ion Channels to Therapeutic Molecules

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    Ligand-gated ion channels (LGIC) play a central role in inter-cellular communication. This key function has two consequences: (i) these receptor channels are major targets for drug discovery because of their potential involvement in numerous human brain diseases; (ii) they are often found to be the target of plant and animal toxins. Together this makes toxin/receptor interactions important to drug discovery projects. Therefore, toxins acting on LGIC are presented and their current/potential therapeutic uses highlighted

    OSICS Blot Washer : Automation of the Western Blot Washing Process

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    In today’s life science laboratories it is common to analyzeproteins using a method called the Western Blot process.With the process an image can be obtained and analyzedto determine the presence of specific proteins. As of todaythe process is commonly done by hand. This means thatevery 5-15 minutes a scientist manually changes a liquid.The entire wash process lasts for about 3-5 hours.BioArctic AB presented a mission to attempt to automatethis specific sequence of washing. This meant buildinga machine that could do the following:• Dispense precise amounts of three different liquids.• Provide a constant wiggling motion.• Drain waste liquid.• The entire process has to be in complete darkness.It was also preferred for the machine to be able to wash fourmembranes at once. A research question was expressed asfollows:How much does the band signal intensity of the stainedband differ between an automated and a manual WesternBlot washing cycle?To answer the research question, a demonstrator was built.With a base structure of aluminum and 3d-printed PLAplastics, electronical and mechanical components such asmicrocontrollers, flow sensors, solenoid valves, dc-motorsand stepper motors could be mounted to automate the process.The demonstrator was later run with a real samplewhose result was compared to an equal sample washed manually.The two results were very similar with the automatedwash having a slightly better result. However, since onlyone test was run, the consistency of the result requires furthertesting.I dagens bioteknik-, medicinteknik- och läkemedelsforskning är det vanligt att analysera proteiner med en metod som kallas Western Blot processen. Genom denna metod kan en bild tas fram och analyseras för att evaluera om ett specifikt protein finns i provet. I dagens läge görs processen oftast för hand. Detta innebär att en forskare manuellt måste byta en vätska varje 5-15 minuter. Detta pågår i cirka 3-5 timmar. BioArctic AB presenterade ett uppdrag att försöka automatisera denna specifika tvättsekvens. Detta betydde att en maskin skulle byggas som kunde utföra följande:   • Dispensera en precis mängd av tre olika vätskor. • Tillföra en konstant gungande rörelse. • Dränera avfallsvätskor. • Hela processen måste vara mörklagd.   Det fanns även ett önskemål om att maskinen skulle kunna tvätta fyra membran samtidigt. En forskningsfråga formulerades enligt:   Hur mycket skiljer sig intensitetssignalen på det färgade bandet mellan en automatiserad och en manuellt genomförd Western Blot tvättcykel?   För att svara på forskningsfrågan byggdes en prototyp. Med en struktur av aluminium och 3d-printad PLA-plast kunde elektroniska och mekaniska komponenter såsom mikrokontrollers, flödesgivare, magnetventiler, dc-motorer och stegmotorer fästas för att automatisera processen. Prototypen testades sedan med riktiga prover. Resultatet av den automatiska tvätten jämfördes med resultatet av en manuell tvätt av samma prov. De två resultaten var lika men det automatiskt tvättade hade ett något bättre resultat. Eftersom endast ett test genomfördes behöves flera genomföras för att kunna säkerställa reproducerbara resultat

    OSICS Blot Washer : Automation of the Western Blot Washing Process

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    In today’s life science laboratories it is common to analyzeproteins using a method called the Western Blot process.With the process an image can be obtained and analyzedto determine the presence of specific proteins. As of todaythe process is commonly done by hand. This means thatevery 5-15 minutes a scientist manually changes a liquid.The entire wash process lasts for about 3-5 hours.BioArctic AB presented a mission to attempt to automatethis specific sequence of washing. This meant buildinga machine that could do the following:• Dispense precise amounts of three different liquids.• Provide a constant wiggling motion.• Drain waste liquid.• The entire process has to be in complete darkness.It was also preferred for the machine to be able to wash fourmembranes at once. A research question was expressed asfollows:How much does the band signal intensity of the stainedband differ between an automated and a manual WesternBlot washing cycle?To answer the research question, a demonstrator was built.With a base structure of aluminum and 3d-printed PLAplastics, electronical and mechanical components such asmicrocontrollers, flow sensors, solenoid valves, dc-motorsand stepper motors could be mounted to automate the process.The demonstrator was later run with a real samplewhose result was compared to an equal sample washed manually.The two results were very similar with the automatedwash having a slightly better result. However, since onlyone test was run, the consistency of the result requires furthertesting.I dagens bioteknik-, medicinteknik- och läkemedelsforskning är det vanligt att analysera proteiner med en metod som kallas Western Blot processen. Genom denna metod kan en bild tas fram och analyseras för att evaluera om ett specifikt protein finns i provet. I dagens läge görs processen oftast för hand. Detta innebär att en forskare manuellt måste byta en vätska varje 5-15 minuter. Detta pågår i cirka 3-5 timmar. BioArctic AB presenterade ett uppdrag att försöka automatisera denna specifika tvättsekvens. Detta betydde att en maskin skulle byggas som kunde utföra följande:   • Dispensera en precis mängd av tre olika vätskor. • Tillföra en konstant gungande rörelse. • Dränera avfallsvätskor. • Hela processen måste vara mörklagd.   Det fanns även ett önskemål om att maskinen skulle kunna tvätta fyra membran samtidigt. En forskningsfråga formulerades enligt:   Hur mycket skiljer sig intensitetssignalen på det färgade bandet mellan en automatiserad och en manuellt genomförd Western Blot tvättcykel?   För att svara på forskningsfrågan byggdes en prototyp. Med en struktur av aluminium och 3d-printad PLA-plast kunde elektroniska och mekaniska komponenter såsom mikrokontrollers, flödesgivare, magnetventiler, dc-motorer och stegmotorer fästas för att automatisera processen. Prototypen testades sedan med riktiga prover. Resultatet av den automatiska tvätten jämfördes med resultatet av en manuell tvätt av samma prov. De två resultaten var lika men det automatiskt tvättade hade ett något bättre resultat. Eftersom endast ett test genomfördes behöves flera genomföras för att kunna säkerställa reproducerbara resultat

    OSICS Blot Washer : Automation of the Western Blot Washing Process

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    In today’s life science laboratories it is common to analyzeproteins using a method called the Western Blot process.With the process an image can be obtained and analyzedto determine the presence of specific proteins. As of todaythe process is commonly done by hand. This means thatevery 5-15 minutes a scientist manually changes a liquid.The entire wash process lasts for about 3-5 hours.BioArctic AB presented a mission to attempt to automatethis specific sequence of washing. This meant buildinga machine that could do the following:• Dispense precise amounts of three different liquids.• Provide a constant wiggling motion.• Drain waste liquid.• The entire process has to be in complete darkness.It was also preferred for the machine to be able to wash fourmembranes at once. A research question was expressed asfollows:How much does the band signal intensity of the stainedband differ between an automated and a manual WesternBlot washing cycle?To answer the research question, a demonstrator was built.With a base structure of aluminum and 3d-printed PLAplastics, electronical and mechanical components such asmicrocontrollers, flow sensors, solenoid valves, dc-motorsand stepper motors could be mounted to automate the process.The demonstrator was later run with a real samplewhose result was compared to an equal sample washed manually.The two results were very similar with the automatedwash having a slightly better result. However, since onlyone test was run, the consistency of the result requires furthertesting.I dagens bioteknik-, medicinteknik- och läkemedelsforskning är det vanligt att analysera proteiner med en metod som kallas Western Blot processen. Genom denna metod kan en bild tas fram och analyseras för att evaluera om ett specifikt protein finns i provet. I dagens läge görs processen oftast för hand. Detta innebär att en forskare manuellt måste byta en vätska varje 5-15 minuter. Detta pågår i cirka 3-5 timmar. BioArctic AB presenterade ett uppdrag att försöka automatisera denna specifika tvättsekvens. Detta betydde att en maskin skulle byggas som kunde utföra följande:   • Dispensera en precis mängd av tre olika vätskor. • Tillföra en konstant gungande rörelse. • Dränera avfallsvätskor. • Hela processen måste vara mörklagd.   Det fanns även ett önskemål om att maskinen skulle kunna tvätta fyra membran samtidigt. En forskningsfråga formulerades enligt:   Hur mycket skiljer sig intensitetssignalen på det färgade bandet mellan en automatiserad och en manuellt genomförd Western Blot tvättcykel?   För att svara på forskningsfrågan byggdes en prototyp. Med en struktur av aluminium och 3d-printad PLA-plast kunde elektroniska och mekaniska komponenter såsom mikrokontrollers, flödesgivare, magnetventiler, dc-motorer och stegmotorer fästas för att automatisera processen. Prototypen testades sedan med riktiga prover. Resultatet av den automatiska tvätten jämfördes med resultatet av en manuell tvätt av samma prov. De två resultaten var lika men det automatiskt tvättade hade ett något bättre resultat. Eftersom endast ett test genomfördes behöves flera genomföras för att kunna säkerställa reproducerbara resultat

    Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Additively Manufactured Polymer Tools on the Fiber Configuration of Injection Molded Long-Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics

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    Additive tooling (AT) utilizes the advantages of rapid tooling development while minimizing geometrical limitations of conventional tool manufacturing such as complex design of cooling channels. This investigation presents a comparative experimental analysis of long-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic parts (LFTs), which are produced through additively manufactured injection molding polymer tools. After giving a review on the state of the art of AT and LFTs, additive manufacturing (AM) plastic tools are compared to conventionally manufactured steel and aluminum tools toward their qualification for spare part and small series production as well as functional validation. The assessment of the polymer tools focuses on three quality criteria concerning the LFT parts: geometrical accuracy, mechanical properties, and fiber configuration. The analysis of the fiber configuration includes fiber length, fiber concentration, and fiber orientation. The results show that polymer tools are fully capable of manufacturing LFTs with a cycle number within hundreds before showing critical signs of deterioration or tool failure. The produced LFTs moldings provide sufficient quality in geometrical accuracy, mechanical properties, and fiber configuration. Further, specific anomalies of the fiber configuration can be detected for all tool types, which include the occurrence of characteristic zones dependent on the nominal fiber content and melt flow distance. Conclusions toward the improvement of additively manufactured polymer tool life cycles are drawn based on the detected deteriorations and failure modes

    Personalised therapeutic management of epileptic patients guided by pathway-driven breath metabolomics

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    Background Therapeutic management of epilepsy remains a challenge, since optimal systemic antiseizure medication (ASM) concentrations do not always correlate with improved clinical outcome and minimal side effects. We tested the feasibility of noninvasive real-time breath metabolomics as an extension of traditional therapeutic drug monitoring for patient stratification by simultaneously monitoring drug-related and drug-modulated metabolites. Methods This proof-of-principle observational study involved 93 breath measurements of 54 paediatric patients monitored over a period of 2.5 years, along with an adult’s cohort of 37 patients measured in two different hospitals. Exhaled breath metabolome of epileptic patients was measured in real time using secondary electrospray ionisation–high-resolution mass spectrometry (SESI–HRMS). Results We show that systemic ASM concentrations could be predicted by the breath test. Total and free valproic acid (VPA, an ASM) is predicted with concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) of 0.63 and 0.66, respectively. We also find (i) high between- and within-subject heterogeneity in VPA metabolism; (ii) several amino acid metabolic pathways are significantly enriched (p < 0.01) in patients suffering from side effects; (iii) tyrosine metabolism is significantly enriched (p < 0.001), with downregulated pathway compounds in non-responders. Conclusions These results show that real-time breath analysis of epileptic patients provides reliable estimations of systemic drug concentrations along with risk estimates for drug response and side effects